East Egg is the side of town were the people there have always had money is the more upper class. Tom and Daisy represent the old establishment, living in the wealthy upper class for most of their lives. Daisy is very snobby and only cares about how much money she has, she’s an example of how people in East Egg are. These people are shallow and lack values. They are careless and completely full of themselves. The social class of East Egg are inhuman; they are spoiled to such a extent that their reality has been twisted. Although these are clearly "bad" people they are envied and copied constantly by the West eggers.
West Egg is the side of town were the people have not always have money. They weren’t always rich, so they had to work for it. It’s still a rich and nice area, but not everyone is rich in that area. Their wealth is based on material possessions. Gatsby, like the West Eggers, dosent have the traditions of the East Eggers. He is considered 'new money', meaning that his wealth came to him more recently through his business that is believed to be corrupt. Despite the fact Gatsby made his fortune in a corrupt fashion he is still someone to admire because of his hopes. Although West Egg is the more moral, it is still a place of enormous spending and gaudy living. Both of the eggs are people who love money, the difference is how they obtained that money and the way they live their lives.
West Egg is a better place to be for various reasons. West Egg has more discipline than East Egg. They are more positive people and don’t have a tendency to cause problems to others. They have earned their money as opposed to the people in East Egg where they were born as spoiled rich kids. They actually care about people’s feelings and are not lazy and do things themselves. They are also very independent people and smart.
Pictures aren't showing for some reason but good post. 75/75